Tough Penance

Qin Guan put forward a second question.

"Is there a Catholic church willing to rent their hall out to us?"

"Um... Actually, we've had some successful negotiations. Our success rate is 60%."

"How many churches did you contact?"


Okay, they had a long way to go. Qin Guan knew that renting a church was expensive, but the firm wanted to spend up to 100,000 pounds on it.


"We lost Westminster, but Lincoln and Rosslyn are good alternatives. We'll use them for the interior scenes. They are Catholic abbeys after all. They contradict our film with their orthodox ideas."

"Branch churches do not think much of the film. They just want to promote their doctrines."

Qin Guan was Chinese, so he was not under much pressure. The Chinese tended to tolerate different schools of religion, as most of them just believed in themselves.

Thus, Qin Guan didn't take the situation seriously.