A Glimpse

Lausanne was both a historical city and a sports headquarters, so the stadiums there were renowned for their high quality. The Track Meeting attracted professional athletes and fans from all over the world. Sports stars shone like real stars over the sky. Before the opening ceremony could even begin, the news about the meeting had already spread.

Qin Guan was just an ordinary passenger, so his skin color helped him go through the airport unnoticed. It was black people that attracted the most attention.

Up until that point, Liu Xiang had only been famous in China. This was one of his first international achievements.

Xu Xiaoxiao, who had arrived in Lausanne early, met Qin Guan at the airport. Surprisingly, there was no crowd waiting for Qin Guan there. Qin Guan's team walked up to Xu while he was looking in the distance.