Good Fortune In Love


The lovers chuckled in low voices. The air was filled with ambiguous feelings. Li Man's beautiful eyes were fixed on the man as the couple hugged on the bed with a meaning smile.

The curtain dropped, hiding the lovers. The onlookers were itching to take a look behind it.

"Wow! Wonderful! When I was the same age as Qin Guan, I knew nothing about these things."

The scene ended with Chou's final comment. The two actors took off their costumes and got ready for Gong's arrival. She would be coming to catch the adulterers in the act.

The film, which had been adapted from the famous play "Thunder Storm", wouldn't have a happy ending. It was filled with dirty tricks and danger.

Thus, the couple's affair would have an awkward ending. The empress broke into the room aggressively with her maids.

"Her Majesty has come!"

The guards announced her presence a few seconds before she broke in. Then Qin Guan showed everyone his full potential.