Earning Great Profits

The first day's box office in more than 10 other cities was 2.9 million yuan in total, while in Shanghai, which had a population of nearly 10 million, the film earned only 15,000 Yuan on its opening day.

What the hell had happened?

Qin Guan's livelihood was on the line. This was so cruel!

Was he going to act like a sitting duck though? Of course not!

After discussing this with his agency, a strategy for the fans in Shanghai was implemented online. Qin Guan's team uploaded a map of the surrounding cities, local cinemas and public transportation routes. The map also included nearby restaurants and coffee bars. One could call it a tourist guide for cities around Shanghai.

"Are you worried about waiting in a long line, but still want to buy a ticket? Are you in Shanghai, looking for tickets to the most popular limited-budget film? Please read this and take a short fun trip to watch Qin Guan's film!"