The Wedding Ring

Qin Guan nodded. "Will they wait until I have some free time? And what about the sponsors?"

"Last season's sponsor was Leica. Any company with a young target group can sponsor the show."

"My brand is not right for it then. Is there a sponsor for this season?"

"It's said that Metersbonwe is interested."

"Metersbonwe is similar in style to J Clothing. Call the boss and ask for his opinion. Tell him that I may be involved in the show. I don't need his money. Our brand just needs new materials for the summer. Ask him if he can produce them for us."

Wang Liying was writing swiftly. It was her job after all.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Contact the agency of the contestants to see if there is any valuable information. I'd like to sign a contract with some young men. Huayi would be better, I think. It would be the right fit for a greenhand."