Grand Slam

Actually, in Jiang Wen's opinion, Qin Guan's role in the film was only a supporting one. However, there was no Best Supporting Actor Award at the Venice Film Festival, so the judges had reached the conclusion that Qin Guan would be considered the main character of the film.

When the final moment came, even Qin Guan listened to the host's words nervously. If an actor had two films selected for the final round, but still missed the opportunity to win, it would be a big embarrassment for them.

People were looking at Qin Guan enviously. They believed that he had to be the winner. Otherwise, the host would not have clarified that. Brad Pitt, who was sitting nearby, looked offended.

His career was flying and he had married Angelina Jolie and gotten rid of his ex-wife's influence. Thanks to his rising value, the American actor had become one of the best actors in Hollywood.