China’s Road

"Have you joined a team in college with your tutor?"


"What's his annual project funding? Is it millions? Billions? That's the basic price for a famous professor. Plus, how many architects win international awards? How many architects graduate from renowned colleges every year? How many graduates have the ability to open their own firms?"

"Most people try their best to get a government position, which makes them practically no profit. Then, they have to wait for a promotion based on their seniority. This is the status quo of the Chinese construction industry. There are too many people involved in it."

"Experience is an advantage in your CV, but it's not enough for you to stand out. You are still a poor young architect."

The young man, who was not convinced, pointed to Cong Nianwei, who was far away.

"Sister Cong Nianwei is just as young, but she is really down-to-earth. She does not work for the government. What's her end game?"