Air China

 The newly-built Olympic stadium looked like a beautiful landscape as Qin Guan faced the blue Water Cube and turned his back to the camera. His slender figure was the most outstanding stroke on the painting.

 He turned around and smiled, as if he had just met a long-lost good friend. The sky was clear and the breeze seemed to slow down. It felt like he was asking the audience, "Are you here yet? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

 Anyone who saw his smile would reply, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

 "Cut! Well done, Qin Guan. Thank you for your help."

 "I'm flattered. I should be the one expressing my gratitude for the opportunity to reach people globally."

 "No, you have really helped a lot..."

 "You are so polite, sir..."

 Wang broke in and put an end to their conversation by handing Qin Guan his schedule.

 "It's time to go, Brother Qin. We have an appointment with Air China."

 "Really? Okay, let's go!"