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The video was first released on the official website of the Olympic Organizing Committee. Five minutes later, it was also posted on Qin Guan's blog.

In half an hour, it had already gone viral online. In 2008, Chinese documentaries had reached a good level, so most of the audience was eager to watch it.

Nobody asked anything about the only star in the film. In their opinion, an internationally renowned star like Qin Guan deserved such an opportunity. All the feedback was positive. The foreign fans were satisfied with the clip the Chinese fans uploaded.

Soon, the clip was broadcast repeatedly on the large screen on Times Square. The foreign audience was shocked by it.

"This is the real side of China. It's so beautiful!"

"I like the red walls and the green tiles. They look really ancient."

"China is a developed country. Can you see the tall buildings and the traffic jam?"