
A whole day and night!

Lu Li threw up many times along the way. There was no food in his stomach because he only drank some water so he was actually just kecking.

Lu Li was exhausted after so many days went by with no rest or sleep. However, the moment that he learned he had set foot into a city at the eastern part of Central Plains, he was cheered up and his spirit was revived.

The day had just arrived. The city was waking up. People were hurrying to and fro and the city was livelier now. It was a Prefectural City called the Mountain City and it was under the control of a fifth-rank Family, the He Family.

The He Family was affiliated with the Palace of Aries, a sixth-rank force affiliated to a seventh-rank force named the Palace of Blue Lions, one of the three seventh-rank forces under the control of the Lu Family.