Be Careful

It took Lu Li two hours to learn how to form golden needles of psychic power. But he could not generate more than a few dozens of needles to stay in control.

What disappointed him was that—after he released needles of psychic power, he tried for many times but he could not get them into the Soul Pond of the Asmodian. He tried to force them into its Soul Pond but all the needles of psychic power collapsed and he felt a pain in his own soul.

It backfired but not too serious. Lu Li swallowed a soul nurturing pellet to feel better.

He took a break for two hours to recover. Then he went on experimenting again, using all kinds of methods, trying to from his psychic power into many different shapes. The Asmodian was only half alive.

Ji Mengtian and the others were fully rested while Lu Li was figuring this out. Jiang Qiling sent someone to get him back. Lu Li had to put it aside for now. It was not a matter that could be solved in a day or two.