Indebted to a Lady

To Lu Li, Jiang Qiling was a slut. The first time they met, she tried to buy one night with him using Xuan Crystals. Then, he ran into her fooling around with other men. She had left a poor impression on him considering all the rumors of her were bad.

Under the influence of Lu Ling, Lu Li was quite conventional when it came to relationships. He never wanted to be involved with any slutty women. Madam Yan had tried to seduce him on many occasions. He could have had his way with her with no strings attached but he didn't because of his conviction.

In fact!

Relationships between men and women had been quite messy in the world. Powerful warriors had too much authority to decide the life and death for others. For them, beautiful ladies were just at their fingertips. They would loot for beautiful girls quite often. Yu Huashen had more concubines that he could tell. Bai Leng and Du Zheng also had a number of wives and concubines.