Breaking Out

To fly over boundless sea was dull. The view never changed. Only things in sight were the sky and the water with the occasional presence of small islands.

Flying constantly required physical and mental strength. For Human Sovereign Realm warriors this requirement should be nothing and the fatigue should bear little influence.

But Hu Lang was worn out!

This was because he felt he was constantly being tailed and he couldn't lose them. This was an odd feeling. It was strange but real.

He tried to change his course several times and yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake off this feeling. The sense of being tailed kept occurring in his mind.

Ahead of him was the Sea of Silence. After spending so many years at the Clouds Plains, he knew this region all too well. The area was also known as the Sea of Doom with the sheer number of Beast Kings. It was highly likely for Hu Lang to encounter a Beast King at any time.