
By the altar, an army of one hundred thousand was stationed there. They worked directly under the Asmodian Lord. Anyone that dared to come close, including province leaders, would be attacked.

Lu Li and Ye Cha sneaked their way to the mountain range. From the distance, they could see dark clouds around. They felt a chill air, shivering as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

This was not just average cold air. It was something sinister and gloomy. The coldness was not the scariest thing. They heard strange howls coming from afar.

"Hoot, hoot~"

The howling was like that of an elephant, but also resembled a child's cries at night. The sound was not low, but it was constant. It would make people shiver, extremely unpleasant to the ears.

"Ye Cha, take a look around out here. Alert me if you notice anything."