Fresh Recruit Tournament (3)

Indeed that was true, after all, the arrows for this sort of tournament had to have their arrowheads removed, and their quantity was not high. As such, each of the recruits were only issued 25 arrows for this Fresh Recruit Tournament, and by now Zhou Weiqing’s quiver had been emptied, and he was also at a loss, and could only charge back and try to pick up some arrows in order to continue fighting.

However, he is after all not a god, after he had picked up two arrows and used them to shoot down two opponents, the opposing team had already closed the distance to 150 yards, and such a distance allowed the enemies’ longbows to shoot out arrows quickly and with much power. Although he was flexible and agile, but in the situation and also being restricted from using his Heavenly Jewels’ abilities, he was also unable to do much, and could only look at more than 40 arrows flying towards him.