The One Deciding Arrow (1)

“Damn, what sort of skill is this? Young Master, quickly leave now.” A row of fireballs rose up into the air on the opposite side of him. This time, there was a total of five fireballs; although they were individually smaller than the previous one, they were all still orange-red in colour.

This time, Zhou Weiqing did not try to shoot the fireballs, instead drawing the Overlord Bow to its maximum and rapidly firing out three arrows. These few days, whenever he was free, he had been learning the Rapid Fire Archery skill from Xiao Ru Se. Although he wasn’t as accurate as she was yet, he had at least improved his firing rate, and coupled with the sheer power of the Overlord Bow and its explosive effect, he did not even need to be that accurate; as long as he managed to shoot an arrow within an acceptable range, it was sufficient.