Super Right Leg (4)

Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but grumble a little in his mind. Even if it is evolution of the body, you should at least let me evolve both legs together right? What’s up with this evolving of just one leg? It doesn’t seem to be easy to control the strength of just the right leg alone.

During dinner time, Shangguan Bing’er had told him that she needed to go to the military headquarters to report the results of this recruitment drive, and also to freight over a large batch of grain and fodder which had been prepared beforehand. The Fifth Regiment would then be returning with a military strength of about two Battalions; that was not just for the new recruits, but also mostly to escort the rations to the front lines. Since they were moving out early in the morning tomorrow morning, Shangguan Bing’er naturally had to handle the matter as the commanding officer1.