Lethal ‘Weapon’ (1)

“En??” The middle aged man stood up suddenly, shoving Zhou Weiqing to the side, his somewhat blurry eyes fixed attentively in a direction. He then said exasperatedly: “Dammit kid, it’s all your fault, the E Cup has left. Sigh, it isn’t easy to find such a large one, is it easy to be Your Father, I? Wait, why are you a male? Old Zhou said it would be a beautiful girl!” As he said that, he seized up Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Heh heh, That must be you are Luo Ke Di Senior. There are two of us, the other is a girl, and I joined later. Admiral Zhou asked us both to look for you together.”

“So there really is a beautiful girl! Where?!” Luo Ke Di immediately perked up at the sound of that.