Legendary Consolidated Equipment Set (2)

Huyan Aobo sighed and said: “Yes there are, but those are the combined efforts of several God Tier and Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Masters, and not a single one. Furthermore, this is the first time there has been a Legendary Set consisting of 10 pieces. In the past, our Founder was too proud and wanted to aim for something that had never been done before, otherwise he would probably not have created such a Legendary Set that is just so difficult to create.”

Huyan Aobo’s words caused Zhou Weiqing’s heart to race in excitement. Indeed, as compared to traditional Heavenly Jewel Masters who Consolidated Legendary Sets, he had a huge advantage. Whether or not he could become a god tier Consolidating Equipment Master, he would at least be able to save an immense amount of materials. After all, for him, a single scroll was sufficient to Consolidate Equipment; thus saving a large amount of Consolidating Ink.