Clad Young Lady (1)

Just as they finished collecting the precious materials from the bodies of the Blood Blaze Lions, they were suddenly surprised by another loud howl, and another pitch black giant ape leapt out of the forest.

“Careful!” Lin TianAo shouted out. This time, he took the initiative to move ahead.

None of them had expected that another Heavenly Beast would come so quickly after the pride of lions. Furthermore, there had been no warning as the giant black ape had approached so silently. Its current position was extremely close to Little Four, and its two metre long thick arms flung out towards Little Four, its giant palms wide open as they smashed down towards Little Four.

The giant ape was about three metres tall, covered with bright black fur, and its yellow eyes were filled with a vicious rage. The Heavenly Energy around its body seemed even stronger than that of the Blood Blaze Lion Leader.