Darkness Self Sacrifice Skill (3)

Right in the middle of the Dan Dun Rest House sat a long haired beautiful young lady, looking about eighteen years of age, but with a calm expression on her face. Despite that, she had a faint smile on her face, and she seemed so at peace, as if nothing could make her flustered.

“Do not judge their entire team so quickly. Furthermore, these two three-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters of theirs are rather interesting… one with some impressive physical strength, the other with superb archery. More importantly, he is very clever. Also, they definitely will not be the only four sent by the Fei Li Empire. The tournament has just begun, and nothing is set in stone yet. Alas, in this preliminary fight, we will be unable to see ZhongTian, BaoPo and WanShou Battle Teams’ fights. This year, we cannot place fourth any longer!”