Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon! (2)

Little Witch’s brilliant eyes had turned a blue hue, and they glinted in a demonic light as she said: “Who made a rule that I can’t have companions? Although I am not too willing to admit it, I have to say that I am unable to deal with you myself… But what if it is the two of us against you?”

She was not the type of person who was too stubborn and proud to accept help. If she knew she could not do it but continued to push through for nothing despite available help, then that would just be being stupid. Zhou Weiqing’s cultivation level might be still very low in comparison, but with his vast amount of high ranked skills and cunning ways of using them, with him supporting her by the side, Little Witch was confident of taking care of this opponent in front of them, who was only slightly edging her out in combat.

Right at that moment, a whistling sound abruptly pierced the air, and almost at the same time as the sound started, an arrow arrived right in front of the young lady.