A Perfect Deal! (2)

Moving his arm a little, Zhou Weiqing was shocked to find that there was another person in his arms, and as he lowered his head to look, he was left speechless, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry.

Little Witch was using his arm as a pillow, and had clearly been sleeping there for the night, and little Fat Cat was actually squeezed between the two, her little head also resting comfortably on Zhou Weiqing’s poor arm. As such, the moment Zhou Weiqing turned his head to look, the first thing he saw was Fat Cat’s round, furry head.

An evil, mischievous thought struck him, and with a huge grin, he lifted his hand and softly pinched Fat Cat’s nose.

Fat Cat was in a deep sleep, and even with her nose pinched, she actually didn’t wake up, instead opening her mouth and breathing through it.