Solidified Dragon Spirit and ‘Hate Ground No Handle’ Set! (2)

Zhou Weiqing continued asking: “But… I am unable to sense anything about this Solidified Dragon Spirit, let alone any extra Skills from the dragon!”

The white haired old man said: “That is because your Solidified Dragon Spirit has not fully Awakened yet. The dragon race has many legacy Skills, but under the Solidified Dragon Spirit, you can at most gain three Skills. Although I do not know what exactly the Skills this dragon has gifted you, I can definitely say for sure that they must be extremely powerful ones. The more powerful the Skills imbued within the Solidified Dragon Spirit are, the later the Awakening will be. From what I can sense of this Solidified Dragon Spirit, without any special circumstances, you will have to wait til at least the ninth Jewel stage before it will truly Awaken. As such, I can conjecture that within your Solidified Dragon Spirit lies some of the more powerful Skills of dragonkind.”