Duelling Corner (2)

A soldier at the side quickly brought over a set of thick leather armour and a helmet.

Shangguan Fei’er shook her head, indicating that she did not need them. By this time, her opponent had already entered the fighting zone.

Her opponent was a robust looking youth, full of youthful spirit and vitality, his bulging muscles straining his army uniform, giving him a tough valiant look.

“Little bro, don’t worry, this Big Bro will go easy on you; after all we are all in the same Regiment.” The youth laughed heartily as he said to Shangguan Fei’er.

Shangguan Fei’er gave a humph, but did not retort, instead crooking a finger at him and saying: “Come then,.”

The youth laughed and said: “Ohh, you have an attitude, I like it. Here I come then!” As he said that, he charged forward in a quick step.