Battalion Commander! (1)

Riding upon a huge horse, dressed in full armour, Zhou Weiqing had a peaceful look on his face as they galloped along. He even took out a dry biscuit from his Spatial Ring and started eating, but when he tried to give one to Shangguan Fei’er, she rejected it huffily. However, it wasn’t because she was still angry at him earlier, but because Shangguan Fei’er felt he was being too soft. These guards were treating him like that, mockingly, and he was still able to endure it. That was not something she liked.

These personal guards of Shen Bu were all hand picked from the regiment, truly the elite of them all. Although they weren’t all Heavenly Jewel Masters, they were mostly Physical Jewel Masters, just that their cultivation levels weren’t too high. If this was the Heavenly Bow Empire, they would absolutely be high ranking officers.

Twenty two fine horses galloping along, and it still took more than two hours before the camp entered their sight.