WanShou Wolf Cavalry! (2)

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said: “Only when we know both our own strength and the enemy’s strength, can we be be certain of victory. 1. I definitely want to experience these WanShou Wolf Cavalry Troops for myself, to see how strong they really are. Alright, here is the plan. Wei Feng, bring seven of the best horses here, as well as nine of those personal guard armour sets we had previously. We will disguise ourselves as an ordinary patrol from the Northern Armies and fight with these Wolf Cavalry Units. Even if we lose or aren’t able to kill all of them, we will not reveal the existence of our Peerless Battalion or our position.”

Wei Feng hesitation for a second, then nodded. Thinking about how Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei’er had faced nine six Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters and greater without losing, he regained some confidence.