Fighting Together! (2)

Although Shangguan Fei’er’s claw had not actually broken through his Consolidated Armour, some of the energy from the attack had still bored into his body, causing his entire chest area to feel cold. He couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine; if he had not reacted quickly enough, that claw would have been sufficient to slice his chest. His hair stood on its ends, and his spirit tensed nervously.

Shen Ji, in the midst of the fight, was shocked, but how could the audience not be more so?

When Shen Bu had heard that Shen Ji would be fighting, she was extremely excited. Previously, although she had lost to Zhou Weiqing, in her eyes that was an accident, a mistake due to her own carelessness. In terms of absolute strength, Zhou Weiqing should not be a match for her, let alone her own senior elder brother, already at the eight Jeweled stage. Even if he was joined by a mere little follower, what could they do?