Arrival of the two powerful Tribes! (3)

As they now had the advantage of high ground descending upon them, their speed had increased more than fifty percent. Backed by the powerful inertia of the charge, they hurtled towards Zhou Weiqing’s trio with an indomitable force and aura. The single Unicorn Beast right in front was extremely massive, larger than its kin by a considerable amount. Even its Beastman rider atop him was far more muscular and well built than the others, though Zhou Weiqing and the others were currently unable to see any Power Jewels around his wrists.

Zhou Weiqing lifted his hands, the two Legendary Hammers shimmering and appearing into his grasp along with the dark gold colour of the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura. His Single-Horned Ghost Demon Horse seemed to be provoked by the opposing mounts, and it too accelerated abruptly without prompting, causing Zhou Weiqing to break free from the triangular formation to charge right ahead.