True might of Emperor! (2)

However, Gu Yingbing's face quickly resumed his normal expression, once he saw clearly who that man was. Even if he were the Lion Prince, even if he was the future heir to the Heavenly Snow Mountain, towards this man, he did not have the qualification to be angry. Taking two quick steps forward, he said respectfully: "Junior greets the Heavenly Emperor."

The big fatty glanced at him, his face overcast as he said coldly: "Where is that Old Monster Xue? This old man is looking for him, I have things to speak to him about."

Gu Yingbing's brow furrowed slightly and he said: "Senior Long, the day after tomorrow is this Junior's wedding date, and I will be marrying my Master's daughter. If it is convenient for Senior, why not stay and join the wedding feast. As for your issue with Master, is it possible trouble you to please wait a few days until it is all over?"