Powerful Peerless Seven Hundred! (1)

The powerful Unicorn Heavenly Beasts were covered in custom crafted titanium mail, the joining links all treated specially. Titanium alloy was light but with extremely strong defensive capabilities, and thus it greatly improved the survivability of these powerful mounts without restricting their speed and agility. Furthermore, with the strength of these Unicorn Heavenly Beasts, it was no problem carrying these ordinary weighted soldiers with their own titanium mail gear.

Of course, the rest of the equipment of the First Main Company was also top notch and fully complete. On each side of Unicorns, there were two quivers full of titanium alloy arrows. When Zhou Weiqing planned the outfitting of his Peerless Battalion, he had never cared about cost. After all, what was the point of hoarding money for nothing? Furthermore, with those Heavenly Cores that Long Shiya had given him, his funds could still last a long while more.