Three out of Five? (3)

All of a sudden, Shen Wang sensed his body feeling lighter. At once, he understood that the restriction on his Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills was about to end!

He had held on for so long just for this chance, and though his Heavenly Energy was almost used up more than seventy percent, the opportunity had finally arrived. In his eyes, though Zhou Weiqing was currently in an advantageous position, but for a six-Jeweled stage Heavenly Jewel Master to continuously attack for so long, his Heavenly Energy should be drained as much or even more than his own. He might have been humiliated previously, but the chance for winning had come!

In fact, as Shen Wang felt the pressure upon him lessen, it was because all the lightning pearls attacking him had stopped for a moment. However, a temporary stop did not mean that they had disappeared.

The current Dragon Silencing Seal timing was one minute, and towards such a timing, how could Zhou Weiqing make a mistake?