Sis Ru Se! (3)

Originally, many years ago, when Xiao Ru Se was still a Company Leader, Shangguan Bing’er had already been her Battalion Commander. When Zhou Weiqing heard her call out ‘Bing’er’, at her side, his heart was filled with a thick sentiment as he remembered those times. Indeed! He had been apart from Bing’er for so long, and he truly missed her so much. He began to wonder when she would actually come out from her closed door cultivation.

Although he was thinking of that in his heart, he quickly stepped forward to explain the situation. "Big Sis Ru Se, you have got the wrong person. This is not Bing’er, she is Bing’er’s sister, part of triplets, Shangguan Xue’er. Naturally, she does not recognize you. Xue’er, Tian’er, let me introduce you both. This is Big Sis Xiao Ru Se, I grew up together with her. Due to the fact she wanted to join the army, she disguised herself as a man. Big Sis Ru Se is a heroine in the army indeed!"