The Pearl (1 | 2)

As the ship started spinning around violently, the people onboard already began to lose hope. Although there was no lack of mighty figures on board, they were in the middle of the sea after all. If their ship sank, perhaps as a result of encountering a powerful Heavenly Beast, even a Heavenly King would not be able to fly all the way back to land with his cultivation strength without stopping to rest.

However, after their ship stabilized from all the vigorous spinning, the giant turtle stopped delivering its attacks.

W-What happened? Why did that giant turtle stop attacking? When everyone was still trying to figure out what had happened, they heard a cry for help coming from the ocean.

The leader of the large ship was an old man dressed in a grey coat. He looked like he was in his 70s or 80s. He was the one who had cast the protective shield over the ship. If it wasn't for him, the ship would probably have sunk.