Ward of Darkness (2)

Meng Xing was simmering in fury before she exploded, "Can you stop meddling in my business? I will not marry the guy. Have you forgotten why we're here?"

The Blackfiend Dragon backed off immediately as if he was truly afraid of Meng Xing, "Fine, fine, we'll come back to this after we deal with the Dreadfiend Sea Naga. Are you ready?"

Meng Xing took a deep breath and slowly nodded. A concentrated pool of energy exploded from her body. A blinding golden light suffused her body as she entered the Blackfiend Dragon Transformation state in an instant.

Even though Zhou Weiqing was some distance away, he could clearly see Meng Xing who was standing on top of the Blackfiend Dragon's head.

A pair of gigantic of wings sprouted from Meng Xing's back. The set of legendary equipment that Zhou Weiqing had seen before also appeared on her body.