Sleep With Me And You Can Achieve A Breakthrough (3)

Indeed, what he spoke of was the truth. Along with the elevation of his cultivation base, his body had completely evolved into the purest form of Saint Energy. It could be said that in some ways, he could no longer be categorized as a human being. Sleeping with him would definitely allow one to gain great benefits from him.

Shangguan Fei'er rolled her eyes at him, "Sister is right. Your mind is only filled with all those filthy and dirty things! I'll just ignore you!"

Zhou Weiqing chuckled and said to Shangguan Xue'er, "Xue'er, I've another thing to ask you. Do you know where the Sealed Land of the Elf Tribe is located?"

"Huh? What did you say?" Shangguan Xue'er did not catch on to his meaning. Not long after, her face suddenly lit up in surprise, "H-How do you know about the Elf Tribe?"