The Evolved Ancient Tree of Life (3)

The Ancient Tree of Life's evolution had an unusual significance towards the Elves. Heck, it could even drive the Elven Queen to experience a quantum leap in her power and strength. At this moment, these Elders had no idea how powerful the Elven Queen was now.

"Rise, my people," the Elven Queen's soft voice resonated through the air, allowing every Elf to hear her very clearly. Her soft, pleasant voice elicited a willing submissiveness from all the Elves.

No Elves dared to disobey her command; all of them rose at once.

The Elven Queen looked at her people with gentleness in her eyes, the way a mother would look at her children. The golden light on her body slowly became more intense and even Zhou Weiqing who was standing by her side was also brimming with this rich golden layer.