Reversal, The Scales of Victory (2)

Zhou Weiqing had faced this technique before. It was once used by the Elven Empress after he had accidentally aroused the Sword of the Demon God. However, compared to that point in time, the energy released by the Goddess of Nature now was many times stronger.

With the Goddess of Nature as the center, a massive, crystal clear, dark green ball appeared in the air and rapidly grew in size. It was the same as the dark red ball of light made by the two dragons on the other side. One was red, while the other was green and both were clearly visible in the sky.

The terrifying energy fluctuation crushed the Destruction Divine Territory so much that the battle between the Destruction God and the Demon God elsewhere had slowed down.

The two huge balls of light swelled to almost a kilometer thick in a blink of an eye. The red and the green was an awful combination of colors if anything at all. Nevertheless, it was dazzling.