I Dare you to Keep Trying!


Zheng Tan slowly turned around. The nearby streetlight weren't hindering his sight. So after doing another double take, he confirmed that he'd never seen this person before. The three cats that blocked the road obviously belonged to this person. The main problem at hand concerned why this man had decided to bring three cats with him to guard this place of all places in the middle of the night. Could he even consider this confrontation a gang fight? Wasn't the blood-lust missing? Moreover, how did this guy know his name?


Zheng Tan didn't detect any animosity from the three cats, but this didn't mean he was going to lower his guard. Both the person and the three cats had a strange feeling to them. These cats were on a whole different level to the ones that he interacted with on a regular basis.


Zheng Tan and the person looked at each other and pondered about how to deal with the situation at hand. Was it better to ignore the group in front of him and directly run home?


"I've been waiting for this moment." That person expressed.


Zheng Tan raised his eyes, awaiting s***!


"Or, should I also call you BlackC?" That person spoke in a natural tone, as if he was engaging in a casual conversation.


That person droned on for a few more phrases, but Zheng Tan wasn't bothered to pay them any attention. He immediately dropped his stare with the person. It made him feel uncomfortable, as if the person could discern things through simple eye contact. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.


Just as Zheng Tan readied himself to run, that person interrupted and said: "Let's do an introduction first. Come. Long Yan. You're up first."


As they said this, they snapped their fingers.


The cat in the middle whose body was pure white with the exception of a black tail let out a serious "Meow—"


"Lian Zi." The person spoke again.


"Meow~" This came from the tabby on the right. It had a very similar fur colour to that of Fatty. The only large differentiator was the difference in size. The tabby was noticeably skinnier. It portrayed a calm and innocent demeanor, whereas Fatty slept all day, lazed around, and was in a constant dazed state.


"Ba Bao." This person announced again.


The one who sat on the left kept his tail in constant motion, as if it would immediately burst from the pent up energy. It opened its mouth.




Zheng Tan: "..."


"That's fine. Ba Bao, shut it."


That person snapped their fingers. The one called Ba Bao immediately stopped it's howl. It glanced at the person and started to swing its tail again.


Lastly, I'll give my own introduction. The name's A Wu." He raised his hands, tapped his hat and looked towards Zheng Tan. He was about to say something but suddenly drew his attention to the road.


THe three cats who were crouched in the middle of the road all made slight ear twitches and made a turn to check what had happened. A shadow flew out, jumped over the three cats and pounced at the man called A Wu.


A Wu nimbly avoided the attack. He looked at the cat that faced him. It bared its fangs and let out an intimidating growl. It made its intention clear to immediately pounce and rip everything to shreds. The guy wasn't angry, instead he started to laugh: "Hey Fatty, you live here?"


Zheng Tan looked over at the aggressive Fatty whose fur had started to stand on end. This was very unusual. It was rare to see Fatty in such a state. Other than today, this had only happened in the occurrences with the robber and the cat dealer, but even then, it couldn't compare with the current situation. It was as if he was facing his arch enemy.


Zheng Tan took a look at A Wu and three cats and then back at Fatty. He was getting more confused with each ticking second. Did they all know each other? It was pretty obvious that A Wu and Fatty were acquainted. Fatty only made that initial attack when he first pounced out, but now he had resorted to letting out throaty growls while fully on guard.


"Tut tut. I haven't seen you for over a year. You've gotten fat again." A Wu measured Fatty in a single glance. He wasn't at all bothered by Fatty's aggression and deep growling. Instead, he casually said: "Haven't you had enough from kneeling on instant noodles?"


Zheng Tan was taken aback. Not many people knew about Fatty's instant noodle squatting punishment. Fatty's owner never told anyone about this. If this guy knew about it, then they must have known each other for quite the long extent of time.


"Never mind, we've accomplished today's goal. Charcoal. Well met. We'll come looking for you some other time." After pausing for a moment. A Wu finally exclaimed:"Just who was it that trained you like this? I really want to meet them."


As he was speaking, he snapped his fingers again, "Gui Yuan, Lian Zi, Ba Bao. Let's go!"


The three road obstructors finally followed after their owner. The one called Ba Bao looked like he wanted to greet Fatty, but Fatty was still in high alert and stared down A Wu as he departed, completely ignorant of Ba Bao.


Zheng Tan took a sweeping glance of his surroundings, climbed up a sycamore tree and starred after A Wu and the three cats. The one called Gui Yuan walked beside the pedestrian pathway, sticking close to A Wu. Lian Zi hopped onto A Wu's shoulder and laid there. Occasionally reaching his claws towards A Wu's felt hat. As for Ba Bao, that guy was charged with energy and decided to rush through the leaves as if attacking a invisible enemy.


What a weird group.


Fatty was no longer howling, but his ears were still pressed back against his head and his back still left in a slight arch. He kept his eyes pinpointed in A Wu's direction. No way, did this guy really get scared?


After A Wu vanished into the horizon, Zheng Tan leapt down from the tree and lightly tapped Fatty, indicating that they should head back to the quarters. It was probably due to hearing Ba Bao's howling that Fatty ran out from his own balcony. If Fatty had an impression of them, then it made more sense for him to have followed the sound here. As well, Ba Bao had a rather distinct howl. Though it couldn't compare to Zheng Tan's dreary cries and screams, there were both ups and downs.


Because of the impromptu meeting with A Wu, the question of A Wu's identity plagued his mind throughout the night. He knew Fatty and even intentionally came to look for him. But what for?


Probably due to being out till late, Er Mao was still asleep at home the next day. Zheng Tan didn't see his door open at all. Fatty, as usual, was lying on his balcony, though it seemed as if he had become afraid of his own shadow. This piqued Zheng Tan's interest even more so. What had happened to Fatty to have elicited such a reaction?


After finishing up supper, out of habit, Zheng Tan took off on an evening stroll. Nowadays, the days became longer and the temperature was finally on the rise. More people came out for activities in the evening. Zheng Tan also joined in on keeping active.


The sun was hidden behind the skyscrapers, but the sky still lingered with the afterglow of the sunset. In the courtyard, people still continued with their after dinner strolls.


Zheng Tan twitched his ears. Sheriff was outside fighting with the cats from the western quarters again. Just as he was about to move in the direction of the fight to check out the action. Zheng Tan suddenly felt as if he were being watched. He cocked his head to the side and looked into the greenery. The cat called Gui Yuan stood there and stared straight at Zheng Tan.


Zheng Tan surveyed his surroundings. He didn't see the one called A Wu nor the other two cats.


Gui Yuan walked towards Zheng Tan but stopped half a meter away from him. He glanced at Zheng Tan then turned around. He took two steps and stopped to look back at Zheng Tan. This was to invite Zheng Tan follow along.


Zheng Tan thought about it for a moment before lifting his paws to follow. Though he wasn't clear about the intention or where he was being led to, he wasn't too worried. They were in Chu Hua university after all. In his mind, Chu Hua university was his turf.


Zheng Tan was very familiar with the path that Gui Yuan tread on. He often came to this area as well. There were fewer people gathered in this area. It was a smaller pathway that was sandwiched between two rows of trees. Upfront, a grove of bamboo had sprouted. About three meters from their location, the bamboo had congregated to create an arch. Underneath this arch was one a wooden bench that was commonly seen across campus. During the summer months, people would often come to hide away from the summer heat. Other times, people would come to play guitar or even to memorize English vocabulary, etc. But when it came to the evening, a certain eeriness would settle in. The street lamps only illuminated a small area under the bench and wouldn't reach the person sitting on the bench. Even with the afterglow of the sunset, people couldn't see the situation underneath the arch. Even at this time, people weren't too inclined to tread along this road.


Gui Yuan lead Zheng Tan to this specific area.


A object flew out from beneath the arch. At the same time, a figure also jumped out, and darted right past Zheng Tan and Gui Yuan. There was no intention of slowing down, its focus was solely on the object.


The cat made a vertical jump to catch a small sized frisbee. Zheng Tan immediately recognized the cat as Ba Bao from the previous day.


Ba Bao carried the frisbee in his mouth and ran back towards the arch. He only gave Zheng Tan a quick glance in passing before continuing to dart back.


Sitting underneath the arch on the long wooden bench was A Wu. The tabby cat Lian Zi was curled up on one side. Gui Yuan walked forwards and jumped up to take the empty spot beside him, settling into a regal position.


"We meet again."


A Wu finished his greeting towards Zheng Tan and picked up the frisbee that Ba Bao had just brought back. Giving Ba Bao a scratch, he said a few words of praise, raised his hand and flung out the frisbee. Ba Bao turned around and bounded after the frisbee. This model was on the smaller side and much more flexible. It was much easier on the teeth and Ba Bao didn't tire out as much anymore.


After flinging out the frisbee, A Wu lowered his head to look at Zheng Tan who was within 2 steps of him. He pat the open space on the bench beside him, "Come on up, let's have a chat."


Zheng Tan didn't move. He wasn't dumb enough to get up close and personal without figuring out what was going on.


A Wu brought out some more snacks, but Zheng Tan paid him no attention.


He split the snacks in his hand among his three cats. He clapped his hands and rid himself of the crumbs. He directed his attention back at the black cat that remained on guard. Immediately after meeting this black cat yesterday, he understood that he couldn't use normal methods to approach it, so he didn't bother using any cat toys. Moreover, that fat cat Fatty messed things up last time, so he had to retreat earlier than planned.


"You can understand what I'm saying can't you?" A Wu suddenly started.


Zheng Tan cocked his head, veering away from A Wu's line of sight.


"Looks like you can understand." A Wu said with a slight exclaim. He looked completely calm on the surface, but was in internal turmoil. He was the trainer responsible for Anna's cat. And just yesterday, he's heard that the leopard spotted cat was suffered an utter defeat in the hands of a black cat. Initially, this jump started his curiosity. He hired someone to look into the situation. With the results of the report, he was was completely thrilled. He had previously bought the catnip that BlackC had endorsed. He main reason for the visit was to see for himself the results of the cat's training. A Wu didn't anyhow speculate that the cat was god-like. He believed it must be the amazing handiwork of another cat trainer. As a self-proclaimed skilled and patient cat trainer, A Wu was waiting for the chance to meet a trainer that matched his own calibre of skill.


A Wu followed up with more small talk and inserted a few questions here and there. Whereas Zheng Tan stood in the same position the entire time. He wasn't going to react to anything A Wu threw at him. Truthfully, the line "looks you you can understand" had shook up Zheng Tan. But he was determined to act confused to the bitter end. No matter what was said, he was going to upkeep this dumb act.


A Wu continued his one sided conversation for a few more moments before finally settling into silence for a full two minutes. He flung out Ba Bao's frisbee again then calmly stated: "When I was younger, I observed my master train his cat. This cat he trained always had this innocent and confused look upon its faces. I had told my master, 'It can't understand anything anyways, talking all that much is nothing more than wasting spit.' My master laughed a tooth filled grin and said, 'It understands. In fact it understood every single sentence I said to it and is currently processing everything in its head right now. It's simply acts like it understands nothing'. "


While he said this, he looked at Zheng Tan and thought: Nice going buddy. I dare you to keep trying!