Where's Sheriff?


Zheng Tan was the last one in the forest. He lifted his paws and readied to leave the area. Suddenly, he remembered that the stolen wallet was still somewhere on the forest floor and ran over to search for it. It was so dark in this area that no one would pay any attention. Zheng Tan stood upright and clutched the wallet between his two front paws. He slowly walked to the edge of the forest.


Zheng Tan had no interest in claiming the wallet as his own, nor did he want to know of the contents inside. Though he didn't carefully inspect the wallet, from the oncoming waft of perfume, he concluded it belonged to a woman.


As one of the campus' green grass initiatives, the effects of ryegrass were beyond a doubt effective. Zheng Tan on the other hand was not a fan of navigating through the tall grass. It was uncomfortable to be continuously scratched by the grass. Zheng Tan took scanned his surroundings. At this time of day, there weren't too many people who would walk on the small path next to the forest.


Just as Zheng Tan reached the edge of the forest, he noticed a security guard from one of the lecture buildings humming to the music being broadcasted out from his portable stereo. From all of his leisurely strolls across the campus, Zheng Tan could now differentiate each of security guards for each lecture hall and department buildings. Though he wasn't clear about this specific security guard's morals, he wanted to rid himself of the wallet as soon as possible. While the old guard was completely immersed in his music Zheng Tan threw the wallet in the path of the security guard. He immediately leapt back into the forest, scaled a tree, and watched the scene unfold.


The old man probably had only started his evening walk. When he picked up the wallet, he started to say something under his breath. He scanned his surroundings. Not finding anyone around him, he made his way towards the plaza.


Zheng Tan followed the old guard at a distance. He watched as the guard stopped right in front of the gymnasium by the plaza. The guard came to the notice board, pulled out a pen and wrote up a missing item notice. Then he turned to chat up the security guard in that area.


Settled with the wallet business, Zheng Tan move to crouch on a decorative stone platform outside the gymnasium.


"Oi, What's up with that cat?" The old security guard pointed at Zheng Tan. It was strange for a cat to be so composed and crouched in such a space. You have to understand, this plaza was very noisy, with music all about. There was also a consistent flow of students and professors entering and leaving whether for exercise or relaxation. He couldn't believe this cat showed no signs of fear.


The gymnasium security guard glanced at the cat and simply said: "This is teacher Gu's family cat. It waits for her to finish up her dance then they walk back together."


This got this old guard excited. He roped the security guard into a conversation purely about Zheng Tan till Mama Jiao had finished her dance and came back to pick up her bag and water bottle.


She was very pleased hearing others compliment her house cat. On their way home that evening, her smile never left her face.


Zheng Tan on the other hand wasn't concerned with the compliment. His mind was completely occupied with that thieving cat.


After personally discovering that the thieving cat had extended its reach to Chu Hua University, Zheng Tan made sure to be fully alert for the next couple of days. While on his walks, he made sure to scrutinize every single cat he didn't know. However, this cat that had suffered an injury from him never ended up reappearing.


Today, the news reported rain showers in the evening. But without an accurate prediction of the time of the showers, eh decided to stay put indoors. However, he still felt anxious. He looked up at the darkening sky outside the window. It seemed to have darkened earlier in comparison to the past two days. Perhaps it was due to the weather. The colorful rays of the sunset had already been enveloped by the darkening clouds.


After relishing in the breeze from the balcony, Zheng Tan headed back into the living room and curled up on the sofa to enjoy some cartoons with You Zi. Mama Jiao was still doing the dishes, while Jiao Yuan was in his room occupied with video games.


It was around 10 pm when the downpour started. Almost immediately, the pitter-patter of the rain striking the windows and the rolling thunder was heard indoors.


Zheng Tan who had curled up right beside You Zi was occupied in dream like thoughts when his ears twitched and he picked up the sound of the phone ringing from the master bedroom.


Who would be calling in this kind of weather? Don't they know of the dangers? The buildings here were all constructed with lightning rods, but it didn't guarantee 100% safety.


Because of the chaotic sounds of the rain and thunder, Zheng Tan was unable to decipher the contents of the call. After a while, there wasn't any more activity from Mama Jiao, it was probably because she had fallen asleep. Zheng Tan took out his claws to scratch behind his ears before tunneling himself into the blankets letting the drowsiness take hold.


But Zheng Tan ended up in restless sleep. Inexplicably, he was sleepless.


During early morning breakfast, Mama Jiao asked Zheng Tan: "Hey Charcoal, do you know where Sheriff went?"


Just as Zheng Tan was about to sink his teeth into the egg in his bowl, he head Mama Jiao's question. His heart jolted in reaction.


Sheriff that idiot, though he was always running out and about, he always returned home on time. It was unusual for him to be out for the entire night. Especially with such terrible weather yesterday, based on his usual habits, that guy should've been home very early.


Seeing her cat stare back at her blankly, Mama Jiao could only sigh. Feeling as though her cat couldn't understand her, she no longer tried to prod for answers. Jiao Yuan and You Zi started asking her questions, but she hushed them down. She wished for the two kids to concentrate on their studies and not on anything else.


Zheng Tan was losing his appetite. Perhaps this was why he felt so agitated yesterday.


Scared that Mama Jiao would notice that something was amiss, Zheng Tan forced down the egg in his bowl. He needed his energy for the rest of the day.


Just as he was heading out, Mama Jiao cautioned Zheng Tan to return home immediately after dropping off You Zi. He wasn't to run around on his own. If it was up to Mama Jiao, she would've locked up their cat. But this wasn't possible! If they had to pin the blame on someone, it had to be Papa Jiao. He was the one who gave their cat their house key. Not only that, but he also got their cat a key card. Who else's cat would have access to something like this? And it just had to be these headaches that had to kept out of conversations. As she had discussed with Papa Jiao, things that were prodigious weren't always good. Sigh. Having a highly intellectual cat didn't make it any easier.


After dropping of You Zi, Zheng Tan ended up strolling around in the vicinity. He purposefully looked for the group of middle aged ladies who'd always gather round to gossip. He was going to listen in.


Without wasting time, Zheng Tan was able to understand from the middle aged ladies what had gone down the previous night, and for what reason Mama Jiao had asked the questions that she did during breakfast.


Around 9 pm yesterday, a professor from the western quarters was on his way home from his lecture and discovered his cat with heavy wounds lying by the road. It was covered in claw and bite marks and had its fur matted with blood. That professor had took out a flashlight and found that the trail of blood led all the way back into the forest. His cat seemed to have dragged itself out from the forest.


He immediately transferred his cat to the pet center's 24 hour emergency room. Only after the in-depth examination and assurance that his cat wasn't in any life threatening emergencies, was he finally able to relax. If his cat didn't have the dumb luck to be happened upon by him, another hour with the downpour of the rain, his cat wouldn't have kept its life.


After making sure that his cat was properly resting, the professor was ready to explode from anger. The vet had told him that his cat's injuries resulted in a fight with another cat. Typically, his cat and that "Sheriff" from the eastern quarters didn't get along well. They bit and nipped at each other in the past before, and it didn't matter since mild wounds weren't a big deal. But this was completely unacceptable!


So this professor had made a personal visit to get answers. However he had discovered that Sheriff hadn't even returned home, not even after the rainstorm had ended.


At this point, even Sheriff point sensed that something was wrong. Getting scratched up in a fight was normal. They're cats aren't they? Sheriff owner was completely accustomed to something like this, but he knew his cat had pretty good spirit. Even if Sheriff was to go out to play in the evening, he would always make sure to be home on time. Usually around 9 or 10, he's be downstairs howling for his owner to open the door. Needless to say, because the peak season of cat thieving was already over, his owner wasn't extra concerned when he didn't return. Who knew that his ignorance would have resulted in something like this. He could no longer keep himself calm.


Everyone guessed that it must have been the handiwork of a cat that had infiltrated campus that would be fierce enough to be so savage in its attack. It couldn't have been the work of a cat on campus, else how would the peace have been held for so long?


Finally understand the situation from beginning to end caused Zheng Tan utmost worry. No wonder Sheriff's owner had been frantically calling so late and during such terrible weather. Apparently he'd even gone out during the storm to search till around midnight, but it was all in vain. Even this morning after the storm had passed, Sheriff was still nowhere to be found. Sheriff's owner even went over to campus security to check security tapes, but the areas that they taped were only places that were full of people. It didn't capture places that cats often ventured to.


A lot of people were discussing privately. Maybe Sheriff wasn't going to come back.


Zheng Tan felt that this situation was closely linked to the cat he had attacked the other day. At the time, when the cat was leaving the scene, it made itself clear with its low growls and the intensity in its eyes that it was someone who could be easily dealt with. This cat displayed a lot of aggression.


Moreover, Zheng Tan guessed it wasn't just one cat that had returned. It it was one measly cat, it couldn't have caused the type of damage that the cat from the western quarters suffered. The cat nearly died in the process and Sheriff was still nowhere to be found. The two cats were considered the best and most experienced fighters of the east and west quarters. Normal cats couldn't even put a dent in them.


It was pretty impossible, even for Zheng Tan, to sniff up any strange scents anymore with yesterday's intense storm washing away all scents.


If Sheriff was only kidnapped by the mastermind behind the thieving cats — the trainer who had yet to reveal themselves, then at least there shouldn't be any threats to his life right? Didn't Walnut even mention, that the cat trainer was most likely quite interested in talent cats. The gift that Sheriff possessed, the ability to create authentic Chihuahua barks, is something that is unbelievable even among cats.


But in the case that the cat trainer didn't discover Sheriff's gifts, and let loose his cats to finish the work...


Zheng Tan brought his search to a number of nearby forested areas. These were all places that Sheriff was often seen engaging in brawls. By the area where the cat from the western quarters was discovered, Zheng Tan picked up the scent of Sheriff, the cat from the western quarters, the cat that he had attacked as well at least three other cats that were unrecognizable.


It was a disappointment. Nothing else provided potential leads outside the forest. If only it hadn't rained.


After searching around in circles, Zheng Tan, full of frustration leaped onto a sycamore tree, panting.


Even though Sheriff was only a cat, Zheng Tan had found a certain commodarie between the 4 cats in the eastern quarters. From the time he's spent as a cat till now, Zheng Tan now valued Sheriff as an important playmate, a cat brother. If a brother was in trouble, Zheng Tan couldn't relax. His current anger was overwhelmed with worry. He traveled through each area with his emotions all strung, agonizing over the possibility of happening upon the stiff body of a cat.


With annoyance, he scratched at his ears. His tail pounding on the the thick branches of the tree bringing about a "pa pa" sound.


Turning to a more optimistic outlook, if Sheriff wasn't caught, or wounded to a point he could no longer move. He could have found a way to slip out when he was being attacked. But where could he have hid? Sheriff wasn't the smartest cookie out there, but he wasn't dumb either.


His tail started to lessen in the magnitude of movement and the tip of tail started to move to a certain beat. Zheng Tan thought back to all the possible locations that Sheriff could have hid.


Sheriff often moved around all throughout campus and was very familiar with the grounds.


Zheng Tan looked back to every single area, filtering the possible locations.


Suddenly, Zheng Tan thought of a specific location. It was where Sheriff often visited—the old tiled houses on campus.


When the weather was better, it was often a gathering places for cats.


No longer hesitating, Zheng Tan immediately jumped off the tree and headed over to the old tiled houses.