Bad Personality


To Zheng Tan, the days of "reflecting upon one's errors" at home could be summarized with one word. Boredom.


In the previous two days, he could at least surf the web to waste some time and scroll through some of the ads that he had shot for. Other than this, his other choice was to take naps. Wei Ling did come over once, but to avoid being chastised by Mama Jiao, he only went to the Er Mao's place on the third floor. Zheng Tan ran over to listen in on the developments after the recent situation.


The cat trainer was sentences. Wei Ling didn't talk about the specifics of the sentence. However, Zheng Tan understood that the cat who's bone he'd broken had been taken by A Wu. Supposedly, this cat was very fierce and much too aggressive. Especially after having its bone broken by Zheng Tan, its personality took a turn for the worse. There were some people who suggested putting the cat down to brother Walnut. Letting a cat like this out in the public was much too dangerous. Afterwards, A Wu expressed his outlook. As a reward, and to solve the issue with "boss", brother Walnut excitedly handed over the cat to A Wu.


Originally, the rumour that A Wu was barred from entering Chu Hua campus originated from him. This was to lure out the perpetrator. Obviously, he reached his goal. No wonder Zheng Tan saw Gui Yuan on campus during that period. Once everything had settled down, both A Wu and his cats had disappeared without a trace.


All in all, Zheng Tan was at home cultivating a fine layer of fat. To the Zheng Tan who liked to wander outdoors, this was absolutely stifling. Everyday he laid on the balcony and miserably faced the great outdoors.


Finally, about a week afterwards, he finished his breakfast in the morning and saw Mama Jiao heading out with Jiao Yuan and You Zi. He tested following after them. With every step he checked up at Mama Jiao's expression. Little You Zi looked over at Zheng Tan and started to pout without a sound. Jiao Yuan on the other hand drew back the corners of his mouth and tried to hide his grin.


Zheng Tan followed all the way to the security checkpoint on the first floor. Taking note that Mama Jiao didn't have much to say about his actions while he followed them out, he shamelessly slid through the doors and followed after the three of them.


The look on Mama Jiao's face wasn't a good one, but it was filled with a look of exasperation.


"No causing trouble and no sticking your nose into another's business. If you meet a thief again, don't try to attack them by yourself. Apprehending thieves are the duties of the police and dogs. What good is it for a cat like you to be up in arms?" That day really scared the hell out of Mama Jiao. Else he wouldn't have to put up with this extended fit of anger she was throwing.


Although these were reprimanding words, it also indicated that Mama Jiao was finally lifting his house arrest. If it wasn't for the look Mama Jiao directed at hi, he would've done somersaults in the air from pure excitement. Summersaults for cats were a piece of cake.


Bringing You Zi to her school and looking off after the Mama Jiao and Jiao Yuan disappearing into the distance. Zheng Tan made off in a run towards the nearby grass field. Threading in and out between the stalks of grass. This entire week, he though his body was going to end up rusting. If it went on any longer, he would've lost it. But now after his run, he felt much better.


He messed around with a few gray magpies before walking amongst the flower beds towards the faculty and activities center. He heard a voice from the direction, and this voice seemed strangely familiar.


Zheng Tan hopped onto a window still and took a glance. He only saw the stupid bird perched on towel shelf. It moved its head to the tunes of Kunqu opera that were being sung by the elderly professors. No wonder this guy had such a strange accent recently. All that opera coming from this bird. So this is where he learned.


Fatty's old granny was also among this group. Fatty sat on the side. General would occasionally move over to annoy Fatty but would always be sent away with a slap.


Zheng Tan didn't understand an of the opera. He had no interest in it either. He didn't go too far out this morning, and only lurked around school grounds. He would venture outside the campus later this afternoon.


Some people after being locked up for a while yearned to escape to the far reaches. This perfectly described Zheng Tan.


He opted to go down the old road leading to Jiao Yuan's school. Previously, the furthest he had gone down this road was to the enclosure where Uncle La Mei lived. Today, he was going to continue further.


The pace the city was developing was speeding up. Without seeing everything for a while, Zheng Tan clearly felt the differences.


Walking up to the enclosure that Uncle La Mei lived in, Zheng Tan pondered for a moment, and leapt in over the walls and arrived in front of that building.




In the familiar window, curtains were suddenly pulled back and an unfamiliar face looked out. This person seemed to be in the middle of a conversation. There were a few potted plants on the balcony now. No longer was it the cardboard boxes from back then. It had probably gotten sold to someone else.


Since they were unacquainted, Zheng Tan had no reason to stay for any longer. He left the enclosure and returned to the path as planned.


The more he walked, the more he noticed how this area differed from where he ventured from. Whether it was the stores or the enclosure walls, everything brought an air of the new era.


When there were no enclosure walls, Zheng Tan would walk to the sides. Occasionally someone would take a second look at him, but most people walked past in a hurry. They weren't bothered to notice at a cat that wasn't anything special.


After walking for a while, Zheng Tan saw the overpass in front of him.


There were a lot of people on each side of the road in front. There wasn't even an ideal place for Zheng Tan to walk on the sidewalk. Zheng Tan decided that he wasn't going to keep going any longer. But he wasn't wanting to immediately turn around and leave either. Thus, he turned and walked towards the overpass.


Ignoring the playful calls from the people around him, Zheng Tan immersed himself in climbing up the steps. At the turning of the staircase was a fruit vendor. There were several people gathered there to bargain.


Arriving to the top of the overpass, Zheng Tan looked around and took in the various scenes and sights. Other than the fruit vendors, there were also a number of rice cake vendors, and toy vendors as well. Did city enforcement never come round to the area?


Staying on top of the overpass, he saw the constant flow of cars beneath his feet. And looking to one side of the overpass he found an area with a number of old buildings. Most of them were unaware when the "demolition" sign would be finally hung in front of the building. To the other side, it was an entirely different world. Combined with the bustling atmosphere and the towering buildings. This was the true form of a proper metropolis.


Coming back from his far-out observations, Zheng Tan looked around the overpass. Finally resting his gaze on a spot right in the center of the space. An old man with a full head of white dressed in old grey-blue clothing was sitting on a simple folding stool. He leaned against the railing and had a guide staff beside him. A large black umbrella was propped open to cover him from the sun. The handle was simply tied to the railing.


The old man held an Er Hu in his arms. A small sized wooden box lay open by his feet. A few coins and small bills lay at the bottom of his box.


An artist? On top of that, he was blind?


As Zheng Tan was taking in his surroundings, the people around him took to observing him with curiosity. This black cat had been on the overpass for a good while now. This was a first to see a cat solo travelling to an overpass, and it seemed to show no fear of anything. It was very calm, and completely ignored the people's teasing.


Originally some of these people were only curiously looked at the black cat who had suddenly appeared here, but then it got the attention of multiple people who were there to shop. But when they realized this cat was only staring at the old blind man in the center of the overpass, not only did they stop their shouting, they all turned to observe the unfolding situation.


Zheng Tan was rather curious. He had listened to Er Mao talk about such things before. For example, liars had become more populous. Numerous people would pretend to be blind or pitiful to deceive one's sympathy. A day's work on the streets could be comparable to what people would get in an office. However, this old man: one, didn't not express to passerby's his pitiful situation; two, didn't write out his sympathetic life story and display it on the ground; and three… Zheng Tan thought this old man was pretty weird.


Was this guy actually blind?


Zheng Tan walked up closer and stopped half a meter away from the old man. He crouched down and tilted his head to look at the old man who sat there, with his eyes closed as if he were asleep. He waited for two minutes but this man showed absolutely no intention of opening his eyes.


His line of vision was drawn to the open wooden box by the man's foot. Zheng Tan lifted himself off the ground, looked at the coins within the wooden box then turned to the unmoving old man. He looked towards the box again then raised his paws and fished around. With a flick of his wrist he managed to secure the coin, then he put it down again.


The coin fell and hit the other coins, creating a "ping" sound.


When Zheng Tan let go of the coin, his eyes were on the old man. With the "ping" sound, he saw the man's ears give off a slight twitch. With all the people that Zheng Tan had ever interacted with, the number that could twitch their ears were in the minority. It was rare to see anyone who could move their ear. After being shut in the house for a week, the prankster was coming out of him. As long as he didn't draw too much attention to himself, the people around him would only assume that a cat was curious about the coins within the box and simply wasn't able to pull out the coins


He fished out another coin and just as he was about to take it out of the box, he let it drop and it made another "ping" sound.


The old man's ears twitched again.


He fished out another coin and dropped it. "Ping"


The old man's ear kept twitching.




After repeating this a few times, even Zheng Tan became annoyed. Why wouldn't this old man open his eyes? Even if his eyes actually had problems and he couldn't open them, what about his mouth? Was it the case that the man not only couldn't see but couldn't talk either?


Just even he couldn't see or speak, his ears were fully functional. After witnessing that scene, this old man's hearing seemed pretty good. He could discern the sounds from his wooden box, but he had no reaction! Without even a slight change in his expression!


This was guy was way too calm.


Thinking back to when he was selling music with Fang, even though it was an utter embarrassment, if anyone was to touch the donations box, Zheng Tan would have gone up to beat the person. But this old man?


Crouching at his current spot, he thought for a moment. His tail flicked to a silent beat, then he set his sight on the half-finished bottle of water next to the small folding chair. He walked over, raised his paw, and gave it a push!


This was a "bad habit" he had picked up Sheriff and Tiger.


Seeing the half-filled water bottle falling over, it rolled away from where the old man sat. Originally, by simply reaching down, the old man could reach the bottle, but now, even if he got up, it would be difficult to reach the bottle. At the end of the day, the old man was still blind.


The people nearby who saw the scene unfold all had the same thought: that cat had a f***cking terrible personality!


Zheng Tan didn't care how this looked to everyone and looked at that person once again. He swore in his head: This guy a log of wood? Other than moving his ears, what else could he do?!


No fun. After messing around with him for this long, he couldn't get a single response.


Zheng Tan rolled back the half empty water bottle that had rolled to be a length away. Although he didn't set it upright, but he got it to the original position. If the old man simply dropped his hand, he could reach the bottle.


Just as he was about to leave, Zheng Tan noticed that the old man's beard had become quite long. With a slight breeze, the sides would float along with the wind. Thinking of how the old man hadn't had a single reaction yet, Zheng Tan's prankster side was coming out again. He jumped up to reach his claws forwards to sink his claws through the old man's beard.


And as just before, there was no reaction.


Zheng Tan thought, if the kids are grabbed at his whiskers, he'd be in a fit of anger. He had no idea how this old man was able to endure this.


If the old man showed eve anything more than the slight twitch of his years, Zheng Tan would've lost his interest in messing around. But this old man simply could sit still. This ignited Zheng Tan's stubborn side and he took another swipe at the old man's beard again.


The olive-skinned uncle who sold mango's not too far away saw everything unfurl before him. His jaw dropped, showing a mouthful of white teeth. He even forgot to reply the questions about his pricing. In his head he exclaimed: This cat must be seeking death!


Zheng Tan was immersed in angering the old man into reaction and didn't notice the worsening expressions of the nearby vendors.


When A Jin, who carried his guitar on his back, arrived at the top of the overpass, he saw the black cat he hadn't seen in a long time, bullying a blind old man.