Burying Ten Million Immortals and Demons

Xia Sheng and the others were all badly startled by the sounds resounding through the air, however they didn’t dare to delay any longer. The yellow-haired figure which they had surrounded was simply too terrifying. Just lifting his hand was sufficient to cause an expert at the supreme-tier of Heavenly Dipper who had comprehended a true intent to die.

"Fan Miaoyu, use your sound waves to attack," At this moment, a woman’s voice rang out, she was none other than an expert from the Forgotten Immortal Tower. Fan Miaoyu nodded as a blast of formless sound waves violently gushed out, causing the eyes of the yellow-haired figure to gleam with a terrifyingly cold light. He turned his gaze in the direction of Fan Miaoyu, and Fan Miaoyu instantly felt as though her entire body was frozen solid. After which, the yellow-haired figure waved his palms, causing a gigantic palm imprint manifested from earth essence to directly pin her down.