Main City of the Jiangling Country

Worryfree City could already be considered very vast in terms of area, let alone the entire Jiangling Country. Only the word boundlessly vast would be able to describe it and it was unknown how many powers existed within it.

As for the Cloud Prefecture, it was so large that it was even difficult for immortal-foundation experts to want to walk out of it. One could very well imagine how vast that was.

In a location of wilderness somewhere in the Jiangling Country, there was a young man mounted on a demonic beast, soaring through the air at a casual speed. This young man had his eyes closed and was in a cross-legged position, cultivating atop the back of the demonic beast.

As for this demonic beast, it was pure white in color. It looked extremely furry and had a very adorable demeanor.

"Yawn, this is so tiring~"

A human voice issued from the mouth of this demonic beast as it stretched its paws to scratch its back, constituting a very comical sight.