God Hand Mountain Manor

After the ceremony ended, the people from the Southern Phoenix Clan departed leaving only the holy maidens as well as the guards the Southern Phoenix Clan arranged for Nanfeng Yunxi. Naturally, Qin Wentian, Jun Mengchen and Purgatory were here as well.

Nanfeng Yunxi's parents departed after leaving some instructions. After Nanfeng Yunxi became the Holy Successor, she was no longer just the pearl in their hands. She had to depend on herself to create her own future, becoming someone worthy of the title - Master of the Jiyue Palace.

Nanfeng Yunxi smiled at the holy maidens around her, "In the future, Yunxi would have to depend on sisters for help."

"Yunxi, I will do my best to cultivate and won't lose out to you." Nanfeng Aoxue was still brooding over her failure to become the Holy Successor. She was the strongest person among the holy maidens of this generation but in the end, Nanfeng Yunxi who had a lower cultivation base actually became the Holy Successor.