
Staring into the horizons, another gigantic figure also appeared in the distance. This figure looked as though it was in a sleeping state and this is none other than the Dream Demon King.

The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect also had an army of a hundred thousand immortals rushing over. The experts on both sides stood in opposition, gazing at each other in the distance. The terrifying pressure permeating the area gave off the feeling of apocalypse. It was simply too terrifying. Two hundred thousand immortals stood in the surroundings, each individual was exuding might.

Qin Wentian, Jun Mengchen, Zi Qingxuan and Purgatory were all in the army. However, other than wearing the armor given by the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, they all wore the puppeted armor which Qin Wentian obtained from the Battle Saint Tribe underneath. Also, they were all wearing a mask that could obstruct immortal senses, causing their opponents to be unable to see their features.