King of the Desolate Mountains?

"Rising up within a hundred years? However, doesn't the guts of this man seem a little too big? He even dares to tease Princess Youhuang of the Darknorth Immortal Dynasty. Right now, Beiming Youhuang is an immortal emperor after all." Someone couldn't help but to speak up. They were all people of the northern regions and were naturally clear who Beiming Youhuang was. They didn't feel strongly about geniuses from the other regions.

"That's true, the two sentences he spoke is easy to cause others to misunderstand, sounding like he had a story with Princess Youhuang. What's interesting is that Princess Youhuang seems to be angry and wanted to stop him from talking. And the story between them seemed to have taken place in the royal palace of the Darknorth Immortal Dynasty. This…" Many people didn't understand. Although Qin Wentian was an outstanding immortal king, how was it possible for him to make Princess Youhuang yield to him?