The Former Child Prodigy

The silver sword vibrated for a moment after it stabbed into the steel floor before slowly coming to a stop. The clear, loud hum reverberated before dulling.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this sword because the silver sword had a purplish-gold hilt. Its blade was carved with dragon patterns and it was identified at a single glance that this was Sunless's purplish-gold silver dragon sword.

And the sword had darted over and stabbed into the ground directly in front of Ye Jiaquan.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to the origin of the flying sword and saw an azure-dressed person standing at the entrance to a passageway, in the intersection of shadows and light. It was none other than Sunless. However, the shadows were masking her looks, so it was unknown what her expression was. There was no way to guess at her intentions as to why she sent her beloved sword darting over.