Combined assault on Tu Dahei

The six-person team led by Heartless spontaneously attacked Shi Xiaobai, but none of them used any weapons. Despite being enraged, they still managed to maintain their final bit of reason.

Shi Xiaobai immediately used Crab Steps to dodge to the side. The six people were not on the same level as Hua Pengju and company. With his current physical defense, it was very dangerous to resist the attacks from the six.

"Bastard, don't you try escaping!"

The self-proclaimed assassin, who was the burly youth that defeated Kevin, was the fastest. He was the first to come in front of Shi Xiaobai, and with a fist surging with psionic power, he punched furiously at Shi Xiaobai.

A glint flashed in Shi Xiaobai's eyes as his retreating footsteps came to a sudden halt. With a twist of his body, he used his shoulder to meet a fist.


The sounds of bones striking one another resounded as the burly youth's fist hit Shi Xiaobai's right shoulder!
