The powerful Transcendents

The reason behind Shi Xiaobai having thoughts of eating the Transcendence Holy Tree was not only due to the unfair treatment of humans by the Transcendents that infuriated him, but also because the leaves of the Transcendence Holy Tree emitted a fragrance that made him salivate.

Now, Shi Xiaobai was located in the middle of the city, so he was very close to the holy tree. The fragrance was permeating through the air, constantly invoking his 'appetite'.

Eating the holy tree could vent his anger as well as satisfy his 'appetite', so why not?

However, Shi Xiaobai did not immediately take action.

Back when he passed the holy tree, Shi Xiaobai had taken note of the area. The holy tree did not have many guards, apparently because the Transcendents were not too worried that others would have nefarious thoughts on the holy tree. However, the area around the holy tree had a steady stream of foreign races passing through.