

Past 2pm.

In the small 30 square meter studio, Zhang Ye had gone off the internet, but was immediately met with telephone calls. They came one after another. It was just like when he was released from the police station at noon. The friends he knew all called to ask about him with concern. Some sent text messages, while others gave him a call.

Su Na's short message: Are you severely injured?

Zhang Ye replied: I'm fine. Thanks.

Yao Jiancai's call. "Old bro, are you dead?"

"Still holding on. Hur Hur." Zhang Ye smiled and said.

Yao Jiancai praised him, "Nicely done. You are a true man of steel and blood. I am out of town filming a show and will be back in Beijing in a few days. I'll visit you then."

Zhang Ye said, "It's alright. Go ahead and busy yourself, Old Yao."

Yao Jiancai said, "Recover well. We must meet up when I'm back."